Wednesday 17 May 2017

Theresa May vs Jeremy Corbyn

Before I start I should just say I am neither a Tory or labour voter but I am a voter and politics is something which matters a lot to me. Much has been made in the run up to this general election, of the type of leader we need to drag this country forward. Theresa May has campaigned on the mantra of strong and stable. The British press have been lapping this up, the female politician who was Anti brexit and now wants a hard brexit, the politician that would never call a snap election who has just called a snap election and we're supposed to believe that she is strong and stable. On the other hand you have Jeremy Corbyn who the press make out to be a hard left leaning vegan loving pacifist with ties to terrorist organisations and no courage. Ironically Mr Corbyn is one of the most courageous politicians we had in a long long time. he constantly voted against his party line and voted for what he believed in, not what he was told to vote for. Now I'm no fan of Corbyn as such, but is it refreshing to have someone who will actually stand up for what they believe in, who will vote against party lines to make sure that he votes with his conscience , someone who has ideas and will fight to see those ideas implemented. Although I'm not advocating voting for Corbyn I do like the man's cojones, and the idea of a politician that actually does what they believe, rather than what the Daily Mail front page tells them to do. It is an appealing option in an election where most political leaders are hewn from the same Bland mediocre mix of Oxbridge educated sound Bites and political rhetoric forged in the Crucible by advisors and special advisers and datasets crunched to find the weaknesses that will allow them to get the votes they need to maintain their grubby mitts around the power that they so crave. All I ask is that people do a little bit of research before they vote to make sure that they get what they actually want when they vote and don't end up with the opposite of what they thought they were getting.

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